Implement Web Accessibility on your Website

Elevate Your Business Performance while Ensuring Government Compliance

At CC Marketing, we know that tapping into a vast and diverse audience means embracing everyone, including people with disabilities. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it’s also essential to comply with the laws set forth by the US and Canadian governments. These laws ensure that no disabled individual in North America is left without access to your valuable information.

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What is Web Accessibility

Web accessibility refers to making websites usable for people with disabilities. It involves designing and developing websites in a way that people with disabilities, such as those with visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments, can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the website and its content.

Web accessibility ensures that everyone has equal access to information and services on the web, regardless of their abilities. This includes individuals who use assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to access the web.

Why Web Accessibility is Great for Online Businesses

By making your website compliant, you not only meet legal requirements but also unlock new market segments and expand your business opportunities. As a dynamic marketing company, we encourage you to seize this chance to connect with a broader audience while staying in full compliance.

It is important to know that the U.S. government has chosen to promote and support businesses that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). By making your website accessible, your business can be eligible for up to $5,000 in tax credits.

Google and Bing Love Web Accessibility

Accessible websites enjoy increased traffic, reduced bounce rates, improved SEO rankings, and better conversion rates. An accessible website means that you’re making it easier for people to find your website.

 analyzed 847 web domains and found that:

– There was a 12% average increase in overall traffic for all domains
– 73.4% of domains saw growth in organic traffic
– 66.1% of all domains saw growth in organic traffic of up to 50%

With Google constantly calculating search engine result page (SERP) rankings by evaluating sites based partly on web page usability and user experience, it logically follows that websites with more accessibility features would be prioritized over sites without those accommodations.

Web Accessibility is Law in Canada

The Accessible Canada Act (Bill C-81)

This Bill was proposed to parliament in June 2018 by Kirsty Duncan and became law On June 21, 2019. Bill C-81 is designed to aid accessibility within information, communication and digital technologies. Part of this act is providing web accessibility following the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Organizations that fail to comply with this law may face fines of up to $250,000.

Be a Good Canadian Company.

Just like us.

How to Become Accessible and Complaint

…It’s easier than you think.

At CC Marketing Group, we are proud to announce our partnership with AccessiBE, a leading accessibility solution provider. Together, we bring you an innovative and non-intrusive widget that seamlessly integrates with your website. This powerful widget empowers individuals with disabilities to customize your website’s appearance according to their unique needs. By implementing this widget, your website becomes fully accessible, ensuring equal access for all users, and achieving full compliance with accessibility regulations. 

How to Get Started

Contact Us for your Free Trial or click the link below to get started. We can help implement your widget for Free.

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